How long is the hold on deposits into an ATM?

Funds from any deposits (cash or checks) at ATMs that JFCU does not own or operate may not be available for immediate withdrawal.

Deposits made at JFCU ATMs are generally available during the next business day after the day of deposit. ATM deposits are removed from the ATM and verified one time per business day. Funds may not be available prior to that verification process being completed. For example:
  1. A deposit made at a JFCU ATM at 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday would be available Thursday after verification.
  2. A deposit made at JFCU ATM at 1:00 a.m. on Thursday would be available on Thursday after verification.
  3. A deposit made at a JFCU ATM Friday at 3:30 p.m. would be available Monday after verification.
The length of the delay varies depending on the type of deposit. View our Funds Availability Policy for details.
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